Friday, May 27, 2011

So the GSS begins..

Time once again for the GSS.  The only time when you really get your thrill out of shopping for the brands.

Exams are also over for this time. So... time to shop!!

Enjoy the shopping! And a little advertisement.

MFW Day 3: DressCamp

Day 3

MFW Day 2: Daniel Boey Show

Day 2

MFW Day 1: Hugo Boss

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Club 21 Shoe Sale!!

1 day only!! gotta plan to go early otherwise there won't be stock for my size. Hope to see you guys there! : ) A.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Opening at Orchard Central

This is longgg overdue but we are finally a little free from school hence the hiatus.